The Way to Recovery
This group is primarily for you who know, or have known, the feeling of desperation concerning the addiction or alcoholism problem of someone near to you. We have had that feeling, too, and found the answer with the serenity and peace that God can give, whether your loved one is still in the problem or on the road to recovery.
When you come to our group, you are no longer alone, but among friends who understand your problem as few others could. We will respect your confidentiality and anonymity, as we know you will respect ours. We hope to give you the assurance that no situation is too difficult to be lessened, and no unhappiness is too great to be overcome with support from fellow Christians.
The Way to Recovery meets the first and third Fridays of each month at 6:00 PM at Encompass Health. For more information, check our our church calendar or contact the church office.